
Introduction - John Philip Jones PART ONE: MARKETS AND ADVERTISING The Advertising Process - Timothy Joyce The Turbulent Depths of Marketing - Leo Bogart Brand Growth - Josh McQueen, Alice K Sylvester and Scott D Moore The Past, The Present Penetration, Brand Loyalty and the Penetration Supercharge - John Philip Jones Repetitive Advertising and the Consumer - Andrew S C Ehrenberg Is Advertising Still Salesmanship? - John Philip Jones Expansion Advertising - Brian Wansink PART TWO: RESEARCH BEFORE THE ADVERTISING RUNS Market Research - John Philip Jones Why We Need To Be Careful Likeability - Alexander L Biel Why Advertising That Is Well Liked Sells Well Qualitative Research in Advertising - Jan S Slater Perceptual Mapping - John Philip Jones Brain Wave Measures of Media Involvement - Herbert E Krugman Consumer Preferences as Predictions - Alfred Politz and W Edwards Deming Quantitative Pretesting for Television Advertising - John Philip Jones Rough versus Finished Commercials in Research - Paula Pierce Electronic Media Audience Measurement - Fiona Chew Consumer Purchasing, Starch, and STAS - John Philip Jones Does Magazine Advertising Produce an Immediate Effect? PART THREE: RESEARCH AFTER THE ADVERTISING HAS RUN Retail Research, Consumer Panels, Store Checking - John Philip Jones Campaign Evaluation through Modeling - Simon Broadbent Tracking Studies - Paul Feldwick Television Advertising - Nigel Hollis Short- and Long-Term Effects Do Award-Winning Commercials Sell? - Donald Gunn Single-Source Research - John Philip Jones Is STAS a Uniform Measure for All Types of Buyers? - John Philip Jones PART FOUR: ADVERTISING EFFECTS, INCLUDING SOME UNEXPECTED ONES How Much Advertising Works? - John Philip Jones Reduced Advertising and Its Impact on Profitability and Market Share in a Recession - Alexander L Biel Margin and Price Effects of Manufacturers' Brand Advertising - Robert L Steiner Macroeconomic Effects - John Philip Jones The Influence of Advertising on Overall Sales Levels

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