
Abstract A significant part of the uncertainty in satellite-based precipitation products stems from differing assumptions about drop size distributions (DSDs). Satellite radar-based retrieval algorithms rely on DSD assumptions that may be overly simplistic, whereas radiometers further struggle to distinguish cloud water from rain. We utilize the Ocean Rainfall and Ice-phase Precipitation Measurement Network (OceanRAIN), version 1.0, dataset to examine the impact of DSD variability on the ability of satellite measurements to accurately estimate rates of warm rainfall. We use the binned disdrometer counts and a simple model of the atmosphere to simulate observations for three satellite architectures. Two are similar to existing instrument combinations on the GPM Core Observatory and CloudSat, and the third is a theoretical triple-frequency radar–radiometer architecture. Using an optimal estimation framework, we find that the assumed DSD shape can have a large impact on retrieved rain rate. A three-parameter normalized gamma DSD model is sufficient for describing and retrieving the DSDs observed in the OceanRAIN dataset. Assuming simpler single-moment DSD models can lead to significant biases in retrieved rain rate, on the order of 100%. Differing DSD assumptions could thus plausibly explain a large portion of the disagreement in satellite-based precipitation estimates.

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