
This article discusses the use of mechanisms of transformation of savings into investments and ways of their structural improvement at the expense of state regulation of the financial sector. The purpose of the article is to identify ways of transforming public savings into an investment resource, taking into account the peculiarities of the financial market of Ukraine. In order to achieve this goal, the following has been done: the importance of transforming unorganized household savings into investment from the point of view of economic development was evaluated; identified factors that influence the formation of savings; ways of their transformation into investments are determined; the dynamics of household investment in bank deposits, co-investment institutions, credit unions are characterized; advantages and disadvantages of using different ways of investing savings are identified. The object of the study is to save households in Ukraine. The subject of the study is the directions of transformation of household savings of Ukraine into an investment resource. The result of the study is that households can be a potential source of investment in the national economy under the conditions of high-quality state regulation of the economy in the short and long term. It is proved that the main functional value of savings is capitalization of incomes, attraction of a part of available incomes into economic circulation, transformation of them into capital. It is determined that the economy of households has a positive impact on ensuring the stability of the macroeconomic development of the state. Increasing the level of investment in the economy of Ukraine by households is possible due to stimulating the development of business activity in Ukraine, since investing in entrepreneurship by registering a natural person by an entrepreneur or creating one or a certain amount of a legal entity contributes to the reduction of savings in a non-organized form. The necessity of stimulating the development of households for ensuring macroeconomic development and growth of the national economy is substantiated.


  • У статті розглядається питання щодо використання механізмів трансформації заощаджень в інвестиції і шляхи їх структурного вдосконалення за рахунок державного регулювання фінансового сектора

  • The study of the economy is one of the most important tasks of public policy. problems of forming savings, turning them into investments, The source of these resources may be national savings, which taking into account the population's propensity to save and have a special place in the economic process, because they risk, was carried out by such well-known classics of affect the interests of many economic entities: households, economic science as S.L

  • The unpredictability creating savings by households, the mechanism for of government actions to regulate investment processes, a transforming savings into investment resources, the state and complex system of doing business is deterring a foreign trends of investing savings by the population in the banking investor

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S. Kozlovskyi, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0707-4996 H. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associated professor, Vinnytsia Regional Council ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5061-1817 O. Zemliakova, student, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3626-1443

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