
The World Health Organization recommends home care for patients with Covid-19 who have mild symptoms. In home confinement, the infected continue their routine of consumption and generation of waste. Public services must be adjusted to deal with the collection and management of contaminated waste and thus reduce likely additional impacts. In order to verify whether Brazilian municipalities are aware of the recommendations for the protection of urban solid waste collectors, this study analyzed the capacity of municipalities to adapt to the set of official recommendations for the management of contaminated household solid waste by Covid 19. Using a hypothetical-deductive method of bibliographic, documentary and exploratory character, theoretical aspects related to the management of solid waste are initially addressed; second, documentary research in the SNIS 2018, ANVISA, CONAMA, ABES and ABRELPE databases. It was found that Covid-19 exposed the pre-existing problems and deficiencies in public cleaning and MSW management in Brazil. It was clear that the management of MSW in small Brazilian municipalities is similar, as well as the indicators of MSW management reveal problems when compared to the PNRS of Brazil. Such disorder is aggravated by the lack of planning for the integrated management of urban solid waste.

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