
Dynamic building energy simulations need hourly weather data as input. The same high temporal resolution is required for assessments of future heating and cooling energy demand. The data presented in this article concern current typical values and estimated future changes in outdoor air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and global, diffuse and normal solar radiation components. Simulated annual and seasonal delivered energy consumptions for heating of spaces, heating of ventilation supply air and cooling of spaces in the current and future climatic conditions are also presented for an example house, with district heating and a mechanical space cooling system. We provide details on how the synthetic future weather files were created and utilised as input data for dynamic building energy simulations by the IDA Indoor Climate and Energy program and also for calculations of heating and cooling degree-day sums. The information supplied here is related to the research article titled “Energy demand for the heating and cooling of residential houses in Finland in a changing climate” [1].


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  • The data presented in this article concern current typical values and estimated future changes in outdoor air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and global, diffuse and normal solar radiation components

  • We provide details on how the synthetic future weather files were created and utilised as input data for dynamic building energy simulations by the IDA Indoor Climate and Energy program and for calculations of heating and cooling degree-day sums

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Current values and future changes in test reference meteorological data

The 30-year averages and inter-annual standard deviations in 1980–2009 are likewise given in Tables 1 and 2. Based on single-sample t-tests, the annual, seasonal (Table 1) and monthly means of T in TRY2012 do not significantly deviate from the corresponding 30-year averages. The differences between the TRY2012 means and the 30-year means of G, F and Dnorm are smaller than one standard deviation of inter-annual variability for all months of the cooling and intermediate seasons, except of October for G. A future change given in bold indicates that, in terms of the observed inter-annual variations, the future test reference year TRY2100 value deviates significantly (with po0.05 for single-sample t-tests) from the TRY2012 value. Significant reductions are estimated to occur in the major heating season means of G, F and Dnorm.

Development of future hourly temperature data
Development of future hourly solar radiation data
Heating and cooling degree-day sums
The net present value
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