
With the aggressive and amazing scaling of the feature size of semiconductors, hotspot detection has become a crucial and challenging problem in the generation of optimized mask design for better printability. Machine learning techniques, especially deep learning, have attained notable success on hotspot detection tasks. However, most existing hotspot detectors suffer from suboptimal performance due to two-stage flow and less efficient representations of layout features. What is more, most works can only solve simple benchmarks with apparent hotspot patterns like ICCAD 2012 Contest benchmarks. In this article, we first develop a new end-to-end hotspot detection flow where layout feature embedding and hotspot detection are jointly performed. An attention mechanism-based deep convolutional neural network (CNN) is exploited as the backbone to learn embeddings for layout features and classify the hotspots simultaneously. The experimental results demonstrate that our framework achieves accuracy improvement over prior arts with fewer false alarms and faster inference speed on much more challenging benchmarks.

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