
HOTS is a learning evaluation activity that trains students' higher order thinking skills. Based on the results of observations, it showed that students had not been able to work on questions at the HOTS level. This is caused by several things (1) there is no guideline for preparing HOTS questions for teachers (2) the awareness of teachers to make HOTS questions is still very low. Based on this urgency, the purpose of this research is to produce valid hot questions at MTs Nurul Falah Palembang. This research uses the Tessmer model. The formative research type Tessmer development model is adopted as the research model. The self-assessment stage, the formative evaluation stage (prototyping), which includes expert and one-to-one evaluation (low resistance to revision) and small group feedback, and the field test stage are the four stages of this study (high resistance). The results of the research and discussion have been carried out that the validity test after being tested through 3 aspects, namely aspects of language assessment, material and construction that the hots question development product at MTS Nurul Falah Palembang was declared valid.

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