
Hotel reviews play an important role in the selection of hotels by travelers. Online travel platforms (e.g., Tripadvisor, Expedia) provide multi-criteria (e.g., room, service, location, sleep quality, etc.) ratings to make it easier for travelers to choose a hotel from reviews. Through penalty-reward contrast analysis (PRCA), this study aims to explore the asymmetric effects of attribute performance (Value, Cleanliness, Location, Rooms, Service, and Sleep Quality) on customer satisfaction with different geographic and cultural backgrounds using review data from hotels in Shanghai, Seoul, and New York. This study compares the asymmetric effects of attribute performance on customer satisfaction of hotels in different cities. At the same time, this study compares the asymmetric effects of attribute performance on customer satisfaction of reviews that are written in English and reviews that are written in the domestic language of hotels in the same city. The findings of this study help hotel managers serve customers from different cultural backgrounds and improve hotel services by identifying the criteria that affect customer satisfaction. As a result, it will be possible to improve the service and profitability of the hotel.

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