
Hot water was dripped into the rhizosphere of Japanese pear trees (Pyrus serotina Rehd. grafted on P. betulifolia Bunge.) infested with the white root rot fungus Rosellinia necatrix Prillieux, to destroy the fungus. Isolates of R. necatrix from diseased roots of Japanese pear were vulnerable to water at temperatures above 35°C, and the fungus was eradicated from the colonized substrate when water at 35°C was provided for 3 days. The time required to eradicate R. necatrix decreased exponentially with increasing temperature. Japanese pear trees tolerated a temperature of 45°C without reduction in vigor. Field experiments demonstrated the practical use of hot water drip irrigation (HWD). HWD at 50°C completely destroyed white root rot mycelia on diseased roots, and many rootlets grew after the treatment. HWD at this temperature caused no injury to the trees. HWD of diseased orchard trees was assessed in Takamori and Iida in southern Nagano, Japan. The fungus recurred in two of four trees 28 months after treatment in Takamori and in two of ten trees 16 months after treatment in Iida. The new mycelia emerged on thick roots deep within the soil. Although there is a possibility of recurrence, HWD treatment is a practical control measure for white root rot.

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