
New developments in architectural acoustics are evident in both areas related to room acoustics and noise control in rooms. Six particular topics of activity will be mentioned that are from both of these two overall areas. (1) Perhaps the “hottest” topic of all is the development of increasingly improved computer modeling techniques. Models have been developed for both auditoria and industrial spaces and there is continuing evidence of gradually increasing sophistication in these models. (2) Subjective studies have continued to develop the results of the major studies of the 70s with a particular new emphasis on the acoustical conditions required by performers. (3) Studies involving the measurement of various newer auditorium acoustics parameters have been reported in several countries. (4) The renewed interest in solving low-frequency noise problems in rooms is indicated by the recent development of subjective rating schemes that extend to lower frequencies. (5) The increased interest in low-frequency problems is also seen in the physical measurements area where there is ongoing work to extend sound power measurement and transmission loss measurements in rooms to lower frequencies. (6) There is also evidence of considerable activity concerning the measurement and prediction of the properties of various types of acoustical materials.

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