
We perform a study of the effect of the high in-plane electric field on spin precession and spin dephasing due to the D'yakonov--Perel' mechanism in $n$-type GaAs (100) quantum wells by constructing and numerically solving kinetic Bloch equations. We self-consistently include all scattering such as electron$∕$phonon,electron $∕$nonmagnetic impurity as well as electron--electron Coulomb scattering in our theory and systematically investigate how the spin precession and spin dephasing are affected by the high electric field under various conditions. The hot-electron distribution functions and spin correlations are calculated rigorously in our theory. It is found that the D'yakonov--Perel' term in the electric field provides a nonvanishing effective magnetic field that alters the period of spin precession. Moreover, spin dephasing is markedly affected by the electric field. The important contribution of the electron--electron scattering to spin dephasing is also discussed.

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