
Hot corrosion studies of CM 247 LC alloy werecarried out in pure sodium sulfate, as well as sodiumchloride and sodium sulfate mixtures of differentconcentrations at various temperatures. A crucible test was employed to study the suitability of CM 247LC as a gas turbine blade material. It was observed thatbare CM 247 LC was severely corroded in just 4 hr, whileit was completely consumed in 70 hr when tested in 90% Na2SO4 +10% NaCl at 900°C. The results show that a chloridecontaining melt is more corrosive than pure sodiumsulfate. The weight loss is linearly related tot1/2 (time) and temperature in the different environments studied. Thecorroded samples were characterized by EPMA, SEM, XRD,and metallographic techniques. The results show that hotcorrosion of CM 247 LC is an electrochemicalphenomenon.

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