
Molecular mechanics simulations using Cerius2 modelling environment combined with vibrational spectroscopy (IR and Raman) have been used to study the host-guest interactions in zirconium and vanadyl phosphate intercalated with ethanole. The strategy of investigation is based on the comparison of vibrational spectra for the host compound, intercalate and guest species. This comparison confirmed the rigidity of VOPO4- and Zr(HPO4)2-layers during the intercalation and provided us with the basis for the strategy of modelling. Molecular mechanics simulations revealed the structure of intercalates and enabled to analyse the host-guest interaction energy and bonding geometry. The bilayer arrangement of ethanole molecules in the interlayer space with two differently bonded ethanole molecules has been found in both intercalates. The average interaction energy ethanole-layer for two differently bonded ethanole molecules is : 127.5 and 135.7 kcal·mol-1 in Zr(HPO4)2·2C2H5OH, respectively 94.0 and 104.4 kcal·mol-1 in VOPO4·2C2H5OH. The Coulombic contribution to the ethanole-layer interaction energy is predominant in all cases, but the hydrogen bonding contribution is much higher in Zr(HPO4)2·2C2H5OH than in VOPO4·2C2H5OH. Present results of modelling enabled the interpretation of vibrational spectra and explanation of small changes in positions and shapes of spectral bands, in infrared and Raman spectra, proceeding from the host structure to intercalates.

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