
The “Hostel Hunt: Find Your Perfect Stay & Mess” Android application is a user-centric mobile solution design to provide students and hostel administrators with easy access to the functionalities of the online hostel and mess management system. This mobile app will offer a comprehensive platform that not only helps users discover the ideal place to stay but also facilitates seamless access to meal services within the same interface, enhancing the overall experience of residential living. It will have user-friendly interface, real-time updates, and integrated booking and payment systems enhance the overall residential living experience. Whether seeking a hostel room or planning daily meals, users can rely on Hostel Hunt to streamline the entire process, making it an indispensable tool for students and anyone in search of quality accommodation and dining service. The mobile app will be design to be compatible with a wide range of Android devices and screen sizes, making it accessible to broad user base. It serves as a valuable addition to web-based system, providing mobility and flexibility for both students and administrators. Key Words: K-means, Content-based filtering, recommendation system, clustering, geolocation, visualization

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