
Abstract We conducted no-choice cage and field infestation studies to determine if the fruit of apples (Malus x domestica L., ‘Scifresh’) are hosts for three invasive tephritid fruit fly species that may enter New Zealand or other apple growing areas. In screen cage tests, punctured and unpunctured (intact) fruit of ‘Scifresh’ apples were exposed to gravid females of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Oriental fruit fly), Zeugodacus (Bactrocera) cucurbitae (Coquillet) (melon fly), or Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Mediterranean fruit fly), outdoors for 24 h and then held on sand in the laboratory for four weeks for pupal development and adult emergence. Unpunctured fruit produced an average of 269.4, 4.3 and 70.1 puparia per kg of fruit for B. dorsalis, Z. cucurbitae and C. capitata, respectively. Punctured fruit produced an average of 619.4, 0.8 and 129.5 puparia per kg of fruit for B. dorsalis, Z. cucurbitae and C. capitata, respectively. By comparison, unpunctured and punctured papaya fruit (Carica papaya, ‘Rainbow’, a preferred host) produced 206–675 and 464–735 puparia per kg of fruit, respectively, across all species. In general, the average weight of individual fruit fly puparia from apple was significantly less (41–71%) than that of puparia reared from papaya, and development times were slower on apple than on papaya. Overall, ‘Scifresh’ apples were a moderately good host for B. dorsalis and C. capitata, and a very poor host for Z. cucurbitae in cage tests. Field exposure of ‘Scifresh’ apples suspended from papaya trees resulted in no infestation by B. dorsalis or Z. cucurbitae under natural conditions. This information will help to inform decisions about quarantine restrictions and potential crop loss in the event of incursions of these fruit flies into apple-producing countries.

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