
Abstract The mutualism between siricid woodwasps and Amylostereum fungal symbionts has long been considered to be species-specific. Recent studies from North America have challenged this assumption, where native siricids and the introduced Sirex noctilio are clearly swapping symbionts. Whether this pattern is a consequence of invasion or an underappreciated property of siricid biology is unknown. Here we show that the native Japanese siricid, Sirex nitobei, carries both Amylostereum areolatum and Amylostereum chailletii, rather than only A. areolatum as long assumed. Furthermore, all samples from a Urocerus sp. unexpectedly carried, A. chailletii and not Amylostereum laevigatum. Vegetative compatibility group tests revealed extensive clonality, with one VCG present amongst three A. areolatum isolates and six VCGs present amongst 61 A. chailletii isolates. These results contribute to the understanding of insect-fungal fidelity in the siricid-Amylostereum association and, together with other studies, suggest that host tree influences Amylostereum species occurrence, perhaps more strongly than wasps.

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