
Fourteen tropical ornamental plants were evaluated for their host status to a population of Radopholus citrophilus isolated from anthurium. No nematodes were recovered from the roots of Aglaonema commutatum, Caryota mitis, Cycas revoluta, Dracaena deremensis, Neodypsis decaryii, Ravenea spp., or Spathiphyllum wallisii 5 months after inoculation, making these plants nonhosts. Low numbers of R. citrophilus were recovered from the roots of Phoenix roebellinii, Rhapis excelsa, and Howea forsteriana, suggesting that they were poor hosts to this nematode population. Anthurium trifidum, Chamaedorea neathebella, Chamaedorea seifrizii, and Calathea variegata were hosts for the nematode, allowing population increases of 2.47 to 29.92 times the inoculation density. C. seifrizii and C. variegata represent new hosts of R. citrophilus.

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