
HOST MAJORITY GROUP MEMBERS' ACCULTURATION ATTITUDES TOWARDS IMMIGRANT GROUPS By Kanako Miwa One out of every four individuals residing in the U.S. lived in another country before moving to the U.S. Such an individual has to face acculturation. Research has consistently shown that immigrants differ in how they go about their acculturation. However, little is known about what acculturation strategies the majority group members believe immigrants should adopt in the host country. Therefore, the present study examines the host majority group members' (Euro-Americans) acculturation orientations toward two immigrant groups (Mexican and Japanese) on different life domains and identifies individual difference factors (e.g., social dominance orientation, social distance, and self-efficacy) that are related to each of the acculturation strategies differently. Data were collected from 128 respondents of Euro-American college students in the SF Bay Area, California. Results indicated that integrationism and individualism were the most preferred acculturation orientations endorsed by Euro-Americans towards both immigrant groups for both life domains. In contrast, exclusionism was the least preferred acculturation orientation followed by segregationism. In addition, the immigrant groups' country of origin (either Mexico or Japan) did not have a significant effect on the acculturation orientations endorsed by host majority group members. Social dominance orientation and social distance were significant determinants of each acculturation orientation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis would not have been possible without the help of many people. First and foremost, I would like to show my gratitude to Dr. Megumi Hosoda, my adviser. She has supported me from the initial to the final level with her patience, friendliness, and knowledge while she has also taught me to be a better thinker and researcher. I would like to thank her for teaching, listening, challenging, chatting, and laughing with me. Most importantly, she has helped me to deal with difficulties in my life and helped me to become a better person. One simply could not wish for a better, friendlier, and more considerate adviser. I am whole heartily thankful to Dr. Nancy Da Silva whose guidance and support enabled me to develop an understanding of statistics and research methodology. She has made my thesis better with her knowledge, understanding and, insight. Her enthusiasm about research methodology, statistics, and scale development has influenced my life as I have pursued my career into the analytic field of research. I would also like to thank to Pamela Wells for being part of my thesis committee and for her guidance and encouragement. Her positive personality and lively character have always provided me an incentive to work harder on my thesis even when I faced difficulties. I thank my family for being a pillar of support and their encouragement. I thank my parents for continuously making sacrifices so that I can pursue my education in the United States. I thank Mayuko Onuki, my best friend, co-researcher, and a partner in crime, for always being there for me. I thank her for staying up all night listening to my ideas and problems, talking about cultural psychology, and helping me with statistical analysis. The uncountable overnight virtual parties over the phone made my thesis possible. I truly appreciate her help, company, humor, and knowledge. My life would have been different without knowing her. I owe my deepest gratitude to my husband, Paul, for being patient, understandable, and thoughtful. I thank him for listening to my complaints, supporting me emotionally, laughing with me, and making me smile during the writing of my thesis. Words don't begin to express my gratitude. I could have never undertaken this venture and successfully completed it if not for him. Lastly, I offer my regards and blessings to all of those who supported me in any respect during the completion of my thesis.

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