
A relatively easy and inexpensive method of rapid gel electrophoresis suitable for the host identification of arthropod bloodmeals was investigated. Electrophoretic conditions (preparation of agar and buffer, voltage, temperature, time, etc.) are discussed. The method of preparing and applying the arthropod bloodmeal to the slides is discussed in detail. Two minutes after the start of the electrophoretic run the suitability of the arthropod meal for testing was apparent. When there was visible migration of more than one Hb fraction towards the anode, digestion has proceeded too far for host identification. Bloodmeals of Aedes togoi, Aedes aegypti, Culex fatigans, Anopheles sp., Rhodnius prolixus, Triatoma infestans, Triatoma dimidiata, Cimex lectularius, Pediculus humanus, Ornithodorus moubata, Ornithodorus savignyi and Ornithodorus rudis from man, Cebus and rhesus monkey, dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, rat, mouse, chicken, pigeon, snake, toad and frog were studied and compared with the serum and hemolyzed blood of the host species. It was possible to identify the host from the pattern of the arthropod bloodmeals. A number of details on arthropod digestion processes are given.

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