
Cr3+ doped near-infrared phosphors hold significant applications and generate considerable research interest. The critical parameter for assessing the strength of the crystal field for Cr3+ in the Tanabe-Sugano diagram is the boundary value of Dq/B, representing the ratio of crystal field splitting to the Racah parameter B. Nevertheless, there are conflicting values for this parameter, as reported in various studies, such as 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 for C/B = 4.5-4.8. Moreover, some Cr3+ doped phosphors with wide-band emissions exhibit a Dq/B value that falls within the region of a contradictory strong field. In this study, we numerically determine the boundary value of Dq/B, which distinguishes between strong and weak fields. The results then demonstrate a dependence on the host material and are correlated with the values of Racah parameters B and C. This work resolves the inconsistency between the boundary values of Dq/B and the emission profile of Cr3+, providing researchers with a more profound comprehension of Cr3+ luminescence.

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