
No abstract available. Article truncated after 150 words. Boeing’s recent troubles remind us that in many ways, healthcare is like aviation: 1. They are both highly technical endeavors, guided by highly educated and trained personnel such as physicians and pilots. 2. Even small mistakes can be devastating. 3. Operating margins (operating income/revenue) are very low. 4. Both are led by businessmen not trained in the industry. 5. Some have put profit ahead of safety. The cockpit of the typical airliner or the multitude of instruments in the typical intensive care unit demonstrates that aviation and medicine are both highly technical. Airline pilots have a minimum of 1,500 hours of flight time. This includes time spent obtaining a private pilot’s license, commercial license, instrument rating, multiengine rating, and airline transport pilot (ATP) certificate. Pilots often have additional in type ratings for turboprop or jet engines. Many have spent time as flight instructors and normally have at least 5 years …

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