
Hospital waste management constitutes special category of waste because they contain potentially harmful materials. The problems of how to manage hospital waste has become one of the critical concerns in Nigeria. A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out at Primary health care centers of Fagge local government, with the aim to examine the current practices and commitment to sustainable Hospital waste management practice. The study involved the evaluation of waste segregation, collection transportation, treatment, storage and final disposal. A 132 health professionals include; Nurses/Midwives public health nurses, community health workers & paramedics are included. A self administered questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection to determine their waste management practices. An examination of the status of the waste management practices in phc facilities was carried out using the following criteria: Waste segregation, collection, treatment, transportation, storage and final disposal. The results shows that: Majority of waste segregation is 98.4% only sharps, waste collection 62.2% using bare hands, transportation 32.5% using wheel barrow within the hospital and 44.0% using carts by Yaro Boys for offsite transportation, waste storage and treatment 76.6% stored for 12 hourly, while treatment of infectious waste found to be 0.0%, waste disposal 74.2% practiced land disposal method. This research revealed the pitfalls of hospital waste management in Phccs surveyed, and concluded by recommending a proper hospital waste management practices. Key wards: Hospital waste, management, segregation, collection, treatment, disposal. Phc centers Fagge L.G.A.

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