
Late-life depression may have different clinical features, hospital utilization patterns, and natural history, depending on whether the illness begins in midlife or late life. This historical cohort study examined three patient groups, late-onset geriatric depressed patients, early-onset geriatric depressed patients, and young adult depressed patients, to determine hospital utilization patterns, readmission rates, and whether specific clinical symptoms on admission predisposed patients to readmission. The two geriatric patient groups had similar demographic, medical comorbidity, and hospital utilization profiles, except that the early-onset geriatric depressed group had longer hospital lengths of stay. Hospital utilization patterns for the young adult patients were different from the geriatric patients, but in the expected direction, ie, less medical comorbidity and shorter lengths of stay. Patients with late-onset geriatric depression had the highest 24-month readmission rate (47.4%), followed by early-onset geriatric depression patients (23.1%) and young adult patients (16.7%). Delusional symptoms and agitation were similar across the three patient groups and, as expected, somatic complaints were more frequent in the geriatric patient groups. The relative risk for readmission was greatest for geriatric patients who were somatic. Readmission risk was increased for agitated late-onset geriatric depressed patients and young adult patients, but not for early-onset geriatric depressed patients. Delusional symptoms did not predict readmission for any patient group.

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