
Introduction: Horticulture is an activity of high occupational risk. In Argentina there is a lack of studies focusing this problem. Increasing efforts are carried out by authorities and scientists to address the precarious conditions of life and work and the exacerbated use of pesticides in horticulture. Objective: Define groups of horticultural workers in the green belt of Córdoba (Argentina) and identify vulnerability traits to pesticide exposure. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted by surveying 101 horticulturists, investigating social, demographic, productive and labor aspects. Two Factorial Analysis of Multiple Correspondences allowed visualize the distribution and covariance of modalities and establish typologies of individuals, based first, on an initial set of variables and then, incorporating other variables identified as relevant from the descriptive analysis. Software SPAD N V3.5 was used. Results: Different characteristics in vulnerability traits toward pesticide exposure were described between horticulturists groups. 1. Those subjects using backpack to apply pesticides, those who sprayed with a wide variety of these, work in small production units and live in the same place where they work; 2. Accidents caused by the use of pesticides were associated to subjects handling a large number of pesticides and works in small production units; 3. Less association resulted in young workers who use a high number of pesticides. The second analysis identified: 1. Horticulturists with less seniority in the use of pesticides, more than 20 years of seniority in the job, more than 50 years old, and those who were married; 2. Those using backpack, using between 21-30 different pesticides, live in the same place where they work and are owners/tenants; 3. Those working in horticulture over 20 years ago and Argentinean nationality. Conclusions: This characterization identifies attributes vulnerability to pesticide exposure in certain horticulturists groups.

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