
Eight dromedary camels were studied for 24 days under control conditions (3 days), and during water deprivation (14 days) and rehydration (7 days) in Tadla (Morocco), during the summer. During dehydration, food intake gradually fell and was zero on the last day and animals lost about 30% of their body weight. However, most of this reduction in weight was attributed to water loss, since body weight of the animals returned to control values following rehydration. Dehydration was associated with a decrease in plasma volume (-42 ± 3%) and a concomitant rise in plasma Na concentration (from 154 ± 2 to 191 ± 3 m M). These changes were accompanied by increased plasma arginine-vasopressin (from 0.2 ± 0.1 to 5.7 ± 2.2 pg ml -1 ) and plasma renin activity (from 1.2 ± 0.2 to 20.0 ± 5.2 ng Al ml -1 hr -1), without significantly changed plasma concentrations of aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide. Dehydration was associated with increased urine osmolality (from 952 ± 515 to 1963 ± 498 mosm kg -1 H 2O), reduced urine production (from 4565 ± 2230 to 817 ± 178 ml day -1), and increased Na excretion. Most of these parameters returned to control values during initial rehydration, except for plasma renin activity, which remained elevated for 7 days, and diuresis, which rose to 12773 ± 6707 ml day -1 on Day 7 of rehydration.

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