
In the research was selected animals with various pathologies of the reproductive system in order to study the hormonal and biochemical status of the yeld (infertile) cows. Further, groups were formed in accordance with the disease type. The experimental groups included clinically healthy fertilized animals and animals with a physiological ovary cycle. In the study was The authors of this article measured the levels of sex steroids, adrenal and thyroid hormones, and also determined the indices of the main metabolic processes, the levels of macro- and micronutrients, and vitamin A in the blood serum. Excluding the group of cows with luteal cysts, the infertile animals demonstrated a noticeable decrease in progesterone between by 2.4-14.5 times. The yeld (infertile) cows without clinical changes in the genitals, cows with uterine subinvolution and ovarian hypofunction showed a markedly reduced (between by 1.6-4.1 times) testosterone level in the blood. A decrease in the estradiol concentration was noted in all the studied groups, some animals demonstrated the deviations in the cortisol and triiodothyronine levels from the indices in the healthy cow groups. The hormonal status of the infertile animals indicated probable violations in the regulation systems of the endocrine glands, the initial links of which are the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The biochemical blood characteristics, in turn, indicate that yeld (infertile) cows suffer from changes in metabolic processes, a macro-and micronutrients deficiency, especially the selenium deficiency. To restore the reproductive function, the use of hormone therapy in combination with additional sources of macro- and micronutrients is highly recommended.

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