
Two new species of hoplopleurid lice, Hoplopleura blandfordi sp. n. and Polyplax blanfordi sp. n., are described from Rattus (Rattus) blanfordi (Thomas) from Peninsular India. Two new species of hoplopleurid lice parasitizing Rattus (Rattus) blanfordi (Thomas) are described here. Polyplax blanfordi sp. n. was collected only from Maharashtra State, while Hoplopleura blanfordi sp. n. was collected from Maharashtra as well as Mysore States. Both the species are named after the host from which they were collected. In the following descriptions, all measurements are given in millimeters. The terminology used for head chaetotaxy is based on studies by Kim (1965) and Kim and Emerson (1971), with slight modifications (Mishra et al., in press). Hoplopleura blanfordi sp. n. (Figs. 1-9) Type data Holotype: Female (V.R.C. A-95485), Rattus blanfordi Thomas, Gonaudi, Poona, India, 26 Feb. 71, collected by S. M. Kulkarni and A. C. Mishra. Allotype: Male, paratypes: 50 males, 75 females with data as in Table I, deposited in V.R.C. collection. Diagnosis Hoplopleura blanfordi sp. n. is close to H. angulata Ferris, H. merionidis Ferris, and H. patersoni Johnson. It can be separated from these and other related species by a combination of the following characters: mesonotum dorsally with 2 pairs of minute setae; paratergites IV to VI with both paratergal setae minute; paratergites VI with both dorsal and ventral lobes emarginate; paratergites VII and VIII devoid of lobes. Description Female (Figs. 1, 3, 5, 6, 8): Total body length 1.23; range 1.17 to 1.30 (10 specimens). Head (Fig. 5): Approximately 1.7 times as long as wide; postantennal region as long as wide; postantennal angles rounded. Antennae 5-segmented with contiguous sensoria. Preantennal Received for publication 30 September 1971. region with 8 pairs of setae dorsally (OS 7 pairs, arranged in 2 rows, PAS 1 pair), 5 pairs ventrally (CS 1 pair, VOS 4 pairs). Antennal region with 1 pair of minute setae (AS) dorsally, 1 pair medium-sized setae (VPHS) ventrally. Postantennal region with 10 pairs of setae, all dorsal (OSHS, ISHS, ACHS, PoAS, PDHS, ADHS, and PCHS, 1 pair each, MHS 3 pairs); ADHS set well apart from PDHS. Thorax: Sternal plate (Fig. 3) 0.12 long, 0.06 wide; clavate, anterior margin straight, posterior process narrow, gradually tapering with rounded apex. Two pairs of minute dorsal setae on mesonotum. Legs. First pair smallest, claws slender and curved; second pair longer, claws strong but pointed; third pair large and robust, claws broad and flattened, bluntly pointed. Abdomen: Dorsal. Segment II with 2 tergites: anterior indistinct, attached to thorax, having a pair of minute setae posterolaterally; posterior distinct, having 2 long setae on each side posterolaterally. Segment III with 3 tergites: first broad having 2 long setae on each side posterolaterally; second broad having 2 pairs of setae, outer swordshaped, inner thin and long; third narrow with etae as in second. Segments IV to VII each with 3 narrow tergites, having 4 to 6 sword-shaped setae on each. A seta off the plates each side, between anterior tergite of segment VI and corresponding paratergite. Segment VIII with single broad tergite, having usually 4 sword-shaped setae. Terminal segment with single tergite, having 2 pairs of setae, outer longer, inner short. Ventral. Segment II with a single sternite, a lateral extension produced anterolaterally, articulating with corresponding paratergite, usually having 8 or 9 setae. Segment III with 4 sternites, first broad with a knoblike extension produced laterally, a group of 2 enlarged setae present laterally on each side, and 3 small and thin setae present mesially; remaining 3 sternites narrow with 6 to 8 setae each. Segments IV to VI each with 3 sternites, 6 to 10 setae on each. Segment VII with 2 sternites: anterior usually with 6 setae; posterior with 8 setae, 2 pairs long outer, 2 pairs minute mesial. Four setae off the plates each side between sternites and paratergites of segments VI and VII. Lateral. Paratergites (Fig. 6) well developed. Paratergite II with acutely pointed posterior angles; 1 minute seta near midlength; 2 setae on posterior

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