
Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra and let $\mathcal{M}_s (H)$ be the category of all left $H$-modules and right $H$-comodules satisfying appropriate compatibility relations. An object in $\mathcal{M}_s (H)$ will be called a stable anti-Yetter–Drinfeld module (over $H$) or a SAYD module, for short. To each $M \in \mathcal{M}_s (H)$ we associate, in a functorial way, a cyclic object $\mathrm{Z}_\ast (H, M)$. We show that our construction can be used to compute the cyclic homology of the underlying algebra structure of $H$ and the relative cyclic homology of $H$-Galois extensions.Let $K$ be a Hopf subalgebra of $H$. For an arbitrary $M \in \mathcal{M}_s (K)$ we define a right $H$-comodule structure on $\mathrm{Ind}_K^H M := H \otimes_K M$ so that $\mathrm{Ind}_K^H M$ becomes an object in $\mathcal{M}_s (H)$. Under some assumptions on $K$ and $M$ we compute the cyclic homology of $\mathrm{Z}_\ast (H, \mathrm{Ind}_K^H M)$. As a direct application of this result, we describe the relative cyclic homology of strongly graded algebras. In particular, we calculate the cyclic homology of group algebras and quantum tori.Finally, when $H$ is the enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, we construct a spectral sequence that converges to the cyclic homology of $H$ with coefficients in a given SAYD module $M$. We also show that the cyclic homology of almost symmetric algebras is isomorphic to the cyclic homology of $H$ with coefficients in a certain SAYD module.

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