
In this paper we define and study Hopf C*-algebras. Roughly speaking, a Hopf C*-algebra is a C*-algebra A with a comultiplication φ: A → M(A ⊗ A) such that the maps a ⊗ b ↦ φ(a)(1 ⊗ b) and a ↦ (a ⊗ 1)φ(b) have their range in A ⊗ A and are injective after being extended to a larger natural domain, the Haagerup tensor product A ⊗ h A. In a purely algebraic setting, these conditions on φ are closely related to the existence of a counit and antipode. In this topological context, things turn out to be much more subtle, but nevertheless one can show the existence of a suitable counit and antipode under these conditions. The basic example is the C*-algebra C0(G) of continuous complex functions tending to zero at infinity on a locally compact group where the comultiplication is obtained by dualizing the group multiplication. But also the reduced group C*-algebra C r ∗ ( G ) of a locally compact group with the well-known comultiplication falls in this category. In fact all locally compact quantum groups in the sense of Kustermans and the first author (such as the compact and discrete ones) as well as most of the known examples are included. This theory differs from other similar approaches in that there is no Haar measure assumed. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46L65, 46L07, 46L89.

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