
Abstract From 1985 through 1987, the efficacy of baited, rigid hoop traps for catching burbot Lota lota was tested in several lakes and the Tanana River in central Alaska. Experiments were conducted on the diurnal catchability of burbot, optimal baiting strategies, retention of burbot, optimal duration of soak, condition of captured burbot, size of hoop traps, recruitment to the gear, and capture-induced behavior of burbot. Baiting was needed to capture burbot. Once caught, burbot rarely escaped the gear. Burbot held in hoop traps set in lakes maintained their condition for days; condition of burbot held in rivers deteriorated after the first day of captivity. Rebaiting hoop traps daily improved catches in lakes, but not in the river. For once-baited sets, optimal soaks were 2 d in lakes and 1 d in the river. Hoop traps of different sizes caught burbot of similar sizes in lakes, but large traps caught slightly larger fish in the river. Burbot were fully recruited to hoop traps usually at 450 mm total leng...

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