
There is no denying the fact that the women are vulnerable to arbitrary cultural values and traditional mindset across the world. Historically, the women were marginalized in different societies as they would assume a negligible role in decision making in public as well as private spheres of life. Unfortunately, the violence against women is, at times, erroneously characterized as symbol of masculine dominance. The women from various backgrounds were constrained to maintain silence on such invasive issues due to fear of torture and social pressures. It is worth mentioning that honor killing is not confirmed by teachings of any religion as all religions deprecate this socio-cultural evil. The plight of women in pre-Islamic era provides pathetic historical evidence of this nefarious practice. The religion of Islam emancipated women form this tyranny and the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) guided his followers to tread the course of rectitude by giving honor to the women in order to protect themselves from the fire of Hell.

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