
The under representation of women in senior management positions is well recognized globally and locally. Research on the factors affecting women’s career progression has been proceeding continuously over the years and there is a significant literature regarding this issue. Different studies focus on similar factors held responsible for women’s lack of progress to senior positions across nations and societies. In the Islamic perspective there is a perception that Islam does not allow Muslim women to participate in different activities. Is does so? Based on the literature review this paper provides a brief account of the position of Muslim women from a religious perspective based on original and authentic sources in Islam. This aims to provide an analysis of the teachings of Islam regarding the role of women in society. We have come to the Conclusion in this article that during the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) women were engaged in Islamic and economic activities and Islam has honored and empowered women in all spheres of life. This paper also provides examples of remarkable Muslim women leaders of that time and since.

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