
The longevity of a generalist (Ooencyrtus pityocampae) and a specialist (Baryscapus servadeii) egg parasitoid of the pine processionary moth (Thau-metopoea pityocampa) was compared under laboratory feeding conditions including water and honeydew from aphid species growing on maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) or pedunculate oak (Quercus robur). The longevity of both parasitoid species increased when specimens were fed with honeydew. This increase was larger for the generalist (3.7, 32.0 and 38.0 days) than for the specialist (3.0, 23.3 and 21.5 days) parasitoid species when fed with water, oak and pine aphid honeydew respectively. The phenology of the specialist species B. servadeii is well-adapted with its host availability with or without food supply. The generalist species O. pityocampae could overlap its host emergence curve during 14.0–20.0 days when fed with oak and pine aphid honeydew respectively, vs. no overlap when no supplementary food was provided. Analysis of honeydew composition indicated that sugars and amino acids may have distinct effects on parasitoid longevity.

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