
The mating system of honey bees (genus Apis) is extremely polyandrous, where reproductive females (queens) typically mate with 12 or more males (drones) during their mating flight(s). The evolutionary implications for hyperpolyandry have been subject to considerable debate and empirical testing because of the need to understand the proximate mechanisms that drive such extreme mating behavior despite the potential costs. The ability of queens to gauge and adjust their reproductive success is therefore important for selection to act on queen mating number at both the evolutionary (colony-level) and proximate (individual-level) timescales. We observed the mating flight activities of 80 queens in their respective mating nucleus hives each with a modified entrance that restricts flight attempts. We also attached a small weight (0, 16, or 38 mg) onto each queen’s thorax as a means of imposing additional flight costs. We then compared queens that were restricted from taking multiple mating flights to those that started oviposition after a single flight for their mating numbers as quantified by microsatellite analyses of their respective worker offspring. We found that neither additional weight nor restricted mating attempts had any significant effect on the effective mating frequencies of the experimental queens during their single mating flight. This observation suggests that queens are not adjusting their nuptial flight activity according to their precise mating number during their flight. These findings provide insights into the proximate regulation of honey bee queen mating behavior and the fitness consequences of hyperpolyandry at the colony level.

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