
Let X X be a closed symplectic manifold equipped with a Lagrangian torus fibration over a base Q Q . A construction first considered by Kontsevich and Soibelman produces from this data a rigid analytic space Y Y , which can be considered as a variant of the T T -dual introduced by Strominger, Yau, and Zaslow. We prove that the Fukaya category of tautologically unobstructed graded Lagrangians in X X embeds fully faithfully in the derived category of (twisted) coherent sheaves on Y Y , under the technical assumption that π 2 ( Q ) \pi _2(Q) vanishes (all known examples satisfy this assumption). The main new tool is the construction and computation of Floer cohomology groups of Lagrangian fibres equipped with topological infinite rank local systems that correspond, under mirror symmetry, to the affinoid rings introduced by Tate, equipped with their natural topologies as Banach algebras.

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