
Abstract We show that the notions of homotopy epimorphism and homological epimorphism in the category of differential graded algebras are equivalent. As an application we obtain a characterization of acyclic maps of topological spaces in terms of induced maps of their chain algebras of based loop spaces. In the case of a universal acyclic map we obtain, for a wide class of spaces, an explicit algebraic description for these induced maps in terms of derived localization.


  • We investigate the notion of homotopy epimorphism in the category of differential graded algebras, possibly noncommutative

  • Our second main result is a characterization of k-acyclic maps f : X → Y as those maps for which the map of dg algebras C∗(GX, k), → C∗(GY, k) is a homological epimorphism

  • In the case when π1(X) is finite we show that the dg algebra C∗(GXp+, Fp) is the derived localization of C∗(GX, k) at a certain idempotent of Fp[π1(X)]

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Derived free products of dg algebras

Let A, B and C be graded algebras with A being flat over k. The map f induces a map on the associated graded to these filtrations and, since B, B , C, C are cofibrant as left A-modules, we conclude that the E1-terms of the corresponding spectral sequences are isomorphic and the desired conclusion follows. Assuming that the unit maps A → B and A → C are injections and that B and C are flat as left A modules (disregarding the differential) allows to identify the associated graded of the appropriate filtration of B ∗A C. The conclusion of Corollary 2.3 holds under the assumption that the unit maps A → B and A → C are cofibrations of right dg A-modules

Modules of relative differentials for dg algebras
Equivalence of homotopy and homology epimorphisms
Plus-construction and derived localization
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