
The 35.7 ± 0.2 Ma old Popigai crater, Siberia, with a diameter of about 100 km is one of the best preserved large terrestrial impact structures. The heterogeneous target at the impact site consists of Archean to Lower Proterozoic metamorphic rocks of the crystalline basement, Upper Proterozoic quartzites and other clastic deposits, as well as Cambrian to Cretaceous clastic sediments and sedimentary rocks, including carbonate rocks. Moreover, Proterozoic and Permo-Triassic dolerite dykes are found in the target area. We report major element, Sr and Nd isotope data for 13 of these target rocks and for various types of impactites. The 15 analysed impactite samples include tagamites (impact melt rocks), suevites and impact glass from small veins. Furthermore, two impact breccias and two impact glass-coated gneiss bombs were analysed. We discuss the relation of these impactites to the target lithologies, and evaluate on the basis of literature data the relation of microkrystites (and associated microtektites) in Upper Eocene sediments to the Popigai event. The impactites have SiO 2 abundances ranging from 59 to 66 wt.% and show significant variations in the content of Fe, Ca, and Ti. They have present day 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios between 0.7191 and 0.7369. Their Sr model ages T Sr UR range from 1.9 to 2.3 Ga. The 143Nd/ 144Nd ratios for the impactite samples cluster between 0.5113 and 0.5115. The Nd model ages T Nd CHUR range from 1.9 to 2.1 Ga. In an ε CHUR(Nd)-ε UR(Sr) diagram, the impactites and Upper Eocene microkrystites (and associated microtektites) plot in a field delimited by Popigai target lithologies. The impactites are restricted to the field of crystalline basement rocks and Upper Proterozoic quartzites, but they show different isotopic signatures in different crater sectors. Impactites and Upper Eocene microkrystites plot in different, only partly overlapping clusters. The leucocratic microkrystites and microtektites have a higher affinity to the post-Proterozoic rocks in the target area than the impactites. Seemingly, the melanocratic microkrystites originated mostly from crystalline basement. This data alignment supports the assumption that Popigai is the source crater for all three types of ejecta. For the first time, clear relations are established of the geochemically variable Upper Eocene microkrystites and associated microtektites to specific target lithologies at Popigai crater. Finally, the observed range in Sr and Nd isotope parameters determined for impact melt lithologies that originated during the Popigai event show a much higher variability than known from other craters. This result indicates that mixing of impact melt which later formed tagamite sheets and glass particles in different impact breccias, was incomplete at the time of ejecta dispersal.

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