
State-of-the-art deep learning algorithms have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in the task of text classification. Despite the widespread use of deep learning-based language models, there remains much work to be done in order to improve the security of these models. This is particularly concerning for their growing use in sensitive applications, such as sentiment analysis. This study demonstrates that language models possess inherent susceptibility to textual adversarial attacks, wherein a small number of words or characters are modified to produce an adversarial text that deceives the machine into producing erroneous predictions while maintaining its true meaning for human readers. The current study offers HOMOCHAR, a novel textual adversarial attack that operates within a black box setting. The proposed method generates more robust adversarial examples by considering the task of perturbing a text input with transformations at the character level. The objective is to deceive a target NLP model while adhering to specific linguistic constraints in a way such that the perturbations are imperceptible to humans. Comprehensive experiments are performed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed attack method against several popular models, including Word-CNN, Word-LSTM along with five powerful transformer models on two benchmark datasets, i.e., MR & IMDB utilized for sentiment analysis task. Empirical findings indicate that the proposed attack model consistently attains significantly greater attack success rates (ASR) and generates high-quality adversarial examples when compared to conventional methods. The results indicate that text-based sentiment prediction techniques can be circumvented, leading to potential consequences for existing policy measures.

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