
Low levels of homoarginine and creatine are associated with heart failure severity in humans, but it is unclear to what extent they contribute to pathophysiology. Both are synthesized via L-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT), such that AGAT-/- mice have a combined creatine and homoarginine deficiency. We hypothesized that this would be detrimental in the setting of chronic heart failure. Study 1: homoarginine deficiency-female AGAT-/- and wild-type mice were given creatine-supplemented diet so that both had normal myocardial creatine levels, but only AGAT-/- had low plasma homoarginine. Myocardial infarction (MI) was surgically induced and left ventricular (LV) structure and function assessed at 6-7weeks by in vivo imaging and haemodynamics. Study 2: homoarginine and creatine-deficiency-as before, but AGAT-/- mice were given creatine-supplemented diet until 1week post-MI, when 50% were changed to a creatine-free diet. Both groups therefore had low homoarginine levels, but one group also developed lower myocardial creatine levels. In both studies, all groups had LV remodelling and dysfunction commensurate with the development of chronic heart failure, for example, LV dilatation and mean ejection fraction <20%. However, neither homoarginine deficiency alone or in combination with creatine deficiency had a significant effect on mortality, LV remodelling, or on any indices of contractile and lusitropic function. Low levels of homoarginine and creatine do not worsen chronic heart failure arguing against a major causative role in disease progression. This suggests that it is unnecessary to correct hArg deficiency in patients with heart failure, although supra-physiological levels may still be beneficial.

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