
The problem with generating advertising ideas, metaphors, narrative strands for video commercials, podcasts, and nontrivial script languages are on the copywriter’s agenda almost every day. The mass-produced creative approach is quite difficult, as far as “the Muse is mute” being an unachievable goal. The proposed article attempts to analyze the stages of creative impulse from the point of view of the psychological structure of associative thinking intuitive notion impulsive insights, and its correlation with the structure of consciousness.The article analyzes the convergent, and divergent pathways of the neural ensembles of the brain at all modeled spontaneous, or planned stages of the Muse’s first indications (‘AHA! ‘moment or sudden creative insight). The structure of non-trivial advertising images and original ideas in catching psycho-triggers; principles of brain’s working performance in an inspired moment; the whole creative process in challenging situations – the author tries to answer these and other question, to draw some conclusions against the present neuropsychological background.

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