
This quantitative survey study tends to explore the current homeworkassignment and assessment practices by teachers in Pakistan. It studiedtheir perceptions regarding importance of homework, purposes ofassigning homework besides the nature of homework assigned and thetypes of feedback strategies adopted for homework assessment. Thesample was the 100 (57 females, 43 male) junior school teachers from 08public schools and 275 (125 males, 150 female) students of 1st class ofSargodha. Two research instruments Teachers’ questionnaire regardinghomework practices and Homework assessment analysis checklist, weredeveloped and used on the bases of four factors planning, assigning,feedback and advantages of homework. It was concluded that the femaleteachers were better in planning, assigning and evaluation of homeworkthan the male teachers. Data obtained from checklist revealed that majorityof the teachers did not focus on written comments, correction of mistakesand subject relevant comments. Most of the teachers’ assigned revisionbased homework and did not focus on other higher purposes of assigninghomework.

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