
Thesecurity and privacy ofourhomes and residencesareveryimportantthesedays.Thiscanprotectourhomes and valuables, thereby keeping our family safefrom potential intrusion by thieves. The purpose of thisproject is to allow entry of people and vehicles to a homeonly on owner’s approval.By designing and installing asmart home security systemwe canachieve this. Thesecurity system will be equipped with camera modulesand sensors whichcan detect the faces of people andvehiclesenteringourhome.HaarCascadealgorithmwhichis anobjectdetectionalgorithmidentifiesrealtime faces in a video and Optical Character Recognitionrecognizesvehiclesbasedonthenumberplate.Anandroidapplicationwillbeusedtocontrolthingshappening around the home, using which the users of theapplication can view requests from people or vehiclesenteringourhome.Onlytherecognizedorentryaccepted people and vehicles will be allowed to enter ourhome. The processwillbe repeated inallcases. Thesystem has a good accuracy level too. Thus, security isguaranteed

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