
Home ranges and movement schedules of sympatric bridled nailtail wallabies, Onychogalea fraenata, and black-striped wallabies, Macropus dorsalis, were studied during wet and dry seasons by radio-tracking. Home ranges of black-striped wallabies (91 ha) were much larger than those of bridled nailtail wallabies (40 ha). Home-range size differed between sexes for bridled nailtail wallabies (males, 59 ha; females, 26 ha), but not for black-striped wallabies. Intraspecific seasonal differences in home-range size were not significant. All home ranges included diurnal shelter habitat, although the preferred type of shelter habitat was different for each species. Movement schedules differed significantly between wet and dry seasons for black-striped wallabies (which made a higher frequency of longer-distance movements during the dry season than during the wet season), but not for bridled nailtail wallabies.

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