
The aim of the present study was to evaluate client-centred care in older persons' home care services from the perspective of older persons and family members. The following research questions were addressed: How do home care older persons and family members perceive client-centered care in their home care services? What kind of social mechanisms are realized when home care services are implemented? Several older persons are dependent on home care services for their continued living at home. The fundamental value and best practice of home care is the client-centred care in services. The research method was realistic evaluation. Six families with six older person clients of home care and seven family members were interviewed. In the present study, the interview contained three themes (1) content and services of the home care, (2) activities and practices of the home care and (3) development of client centredness in home care. Research data were analysed with deductive content analysis. Home care service should be based on analysis of older person's individual life situation. Social mechanisms such as interaction, participation, trust and adaptation are realised in implementation of home care services. The most significant outcomes of client-centred service were timely availability of services, safe care relationship and continuity of care, ability to influence on own services and appropriate price of services. Significant factors in quality of service were unhurriedness, kindness and competence of professionals. Social mechanisms, such as participation, trust, adaptation and interaction, should be taken in account in care relationship in home care. Client centredness and methods for evaluating it should be defined in practical work. Client-centeredness competence should also be included in all stages of professional education of home care.

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