
This is a study of holomorphic matrix models, the matrix models which underlie the conjecture of Dijkgraaf and Vafa. I first give a systematic description of the holomorphic one-matrix model. After discussing its convergence sectors, I show that certain puzzles related to its perturbative expansion admit a simple resolution in the holomorphic set-up. Constructing a `complex' microcanonical ensemble, I check that the basic requirements of the conjecture (in particular, the special geometry relations involving chemical potentials) hold in the absence of the hermicity constraint. I also show that planar solutions of the holomorphic model probe the entire moduli space of the associated algebraic curve. Finally, I give a brief discussion of holomorphic $ADE$ models, focusing on the example of the $A_2$ quiver, for which I extract explicitly the relevant Riemann surface. In this case, use of the holomorphic model is crucial, since the Hermitian approach and its attending regularization would lead to a singular algebraic curve, thus contradicting the requirements of the conjecture. In particular, I show how an appropriate regularization of the holomorphic $A_2$ model produces the desired smooth Riemann surface in the limit when the regulator is removed, and that this limit can be described as a statistical ensemble of `reduced' holomorphic models.

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