
We obtain a Runge approximation theorem for holomorphic Legendrian curves and immersions in the complex projective $3$-space $\mathbb{CP}^3$, both from open and compact Riemann surfaces, and we prove that the space of Legendrian immersions from an open Riemann surface into $\mathbb{CP}^3$ is path connected. We also show that holomorphic Legendrian immersions from Riemann surfaces of finite genus and at most countably many ends, none of which are point ends, satisfy the Calabi-Yau property. Coupled with the Runge approximation theorem, we infer that every open Riemann surface embeds into $\mathbb{CP}^3$ as a complete holomorphic Legendrian curve. Under the twistor projection $\pi:\mathbb{CP}^3\to \mathbb S^4$ onto the $4$-sphere, immersed holomorphic Legendrian curves $M\to \mathbb{CP}^3$ are in bijective correspondence with superminimal immersions $M\to\mathbb S^4$ of positive spin according to a result of Bryant. This gives as corollaries the corresponding results on superminimal surfaces in $\mathbb S^4$. In particular, superminimal immersions into $\mathbb S^4$ satisfy the Runge approximation theorem and the Calabi-Yau property.

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