
Let X be a compact connected Kähler manifold such that the holomorphic tangent bundle TX is numerically effective. A theorem of Demailly et al. (1994) [11] says that there is a finite unramified Galois covering M → X , a complex torus T, and a holomorphic surjective submersion f : M → T , such that the fibers of f are Fano manifolds with numerically effective tangent bundle. A conjecture of Campana and Peternell says that the fibers of f are rational and homogeneous. Assume that X admits a holomorphic Cartan geometry. We prove that the fibers of f are rational homogeneous varieties. We also prove that the holomorphic principal G -bundle over T given by f, where G is the group of all holomorphic automorphisms of a fiber, admits a flat holomorphic connection.

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