
We report on our results of D3-brane probing a large class of generalised type IIB supergravity solutions presented very recently in the literature. The structure of the solutions is controlled by a single non-linear differential equation. These solutions correspond to renormalisation group flows from pure N=4 supersymmetric gauge theory to an N=2 gauge theory with a massive adjoint scalar. The gauge group is SU(n) with n large. After presenting the general result, we focus on one of the new solutions, solving for the specific coordinates needed to display the explicit metric on the moduli space. We obtain an appropriately holomorphic result for the coupling. We look for the singular locus, and interestingly, the final result again manifests itself in terms of a square root branch cut on the complex plane, as previously found for a set of solutions for which the details are very different. This, together with the existence of the single simple non-linear differential equation, is further evidence in support of an earlier suggestion that there is a very simple model --perhaps a matrix model with relation to the Calogero-Moser integrable system-- underlying this gauge theory physics.

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