
We find the holographic dual to the three classes of superconformal Janus interfaces in mathcal{N} = 4 SYM that preserve three-dimensional mathcal{N} = 4, mathcal{N} = 2, and mathcal{N} = 1 supersymmetry. The solutions are constructed in five-dimensional SO(6) maximal gauged supergravity and are then uplifted to type IIB supergravity. Corresponding to each of the three classes of Janus solutions, there are also AdS4× S1× S5 J-fold backgrounds. These J-folds have a non-trivial SL(2, ℤ) monodromy for the axio-dilaton on the S1 and are dual to three-dimensional superconformal field theories.


  • Worldvolume while the interface is characterized by position-dependent couplings for the operators in the four-dimensional CFT and no additional degrees of freedom

  • We find the holographic dual to the three classes of superconformal Janus interfaces in N = 4 SYM that preserve three-dimensional N = 4, N = 2, and N = 1 supersymmetry

  • It was found in [13] that this type of N = 1 Janus interface exists for all fourdimensional N = 1 SCFTs with an AdS5 holographic dual in type IIB supergravity

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The five-dimensional Janus

Imposing the SU(3) symmetry truncates the scalar sector of the maximal supergravity theory to only four scalars that parametrize the coset. The solutions represent a particle coming in from infinity, bouncing off the potential at the turning point rtp = r(Xtp), where Veff(Xtp) = 0, and returning back to infinity We choose coordinates such that rrp = 0. For these solutions the remaining system of BPS equations collapses to a single separable differential equation for φ(X), sinh 2φ dφ This equation does not admit an analytic solution in terms of elementary functions, but it can be integrated in quadratures and analyzed numerically. The five-dimensional dilaton takes the same form as in (2.23) and (3.22), cosh 2φ = cosh 2F + 1 e−2F J 2 , 2 with the function F given by (4.12) This integral has to be performed numerically.

SL(2, R)S transformation of Janus solutions
The ten-dimensional Janus
Comparison to the literature
An N = 4 J-fold
The ten-dimensional J-fold
An N = 2 J-fold
N = 2 SCFT intermezzo
An N = 1 J-fold
A Derivation of the BPS equations
The N = 4 Janus
The N = 2 Janus
The N = 1 Janus
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