
For a moving heavy quark antiquark (QQ) in a quark gluon plasma (QGP), we use gauge/gravity duality to study both real and imaginary parts of the potential ( operatorname{Re}{V}_{Qoverline{Q}} and operatorname{Im}{V}_{Qoverline{Q}} respectively) in a gluon condensate (GC) theory. The complex potential is derived from the Wilson loop by considering the thermal fluctuations of the worldsheet of the Nambu-Goto holographic string. We calculate operatorname{Re}{V}_{Qoverline{Q}} and operatorname{Im}{V}_{Qoverline{Q}} in both cases where the axis of the moving Qoverline{Q} pair is transverse and parallel with respect to its direction of movement in the plasma. Using the renormalization scheme for the operatorname{Re}{V}_{Qoverline{Q}} , we find that the inclusion of GC increases the dissociation length while rapidity has the opposite effect. While for the operatorname{Im}{V}_{Qoverline{Q}} , we observe that by considering the effect of GC, the operatorname{Im}{V}_{Qoverline{Q}} is generated for larger distance thus decreasing quarkonium dissociation, while rapidity has opposite effect. In particular, as the value of GC decreases in the deconfined phase, the operatorname{Im}{V}_{Qoverline{Q}} is generated for smaller distance thus enhancing quarkonium dissociation, and at high temperatures it is nearly not modified by GC, consistent with previous findings of the entropic force.

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